

Bat file for making savedata copy of Primitier(VR game)

Windows Bat file for making savedata copy of VR sandbox game Primitier.

It copy savedatas in "\Documents\Primitier\Saves" as backup renamed with timestamp header.

(Please note that I do not take any responsibility or liability for any damage or loss caused through using this program.)


Save following text as "PrimitierSaveDataBackup.bat".

@echo off
cd %userprofile%\Documents\Primitier\Saves
echo start backup
for %%i in (save?.dat) do (call :BU %%i)
exit /b

:BU %1
for /F %%j in ("%1") do (set TS=%%~tj)
set TS=%TS: =%
set TS=%TS:/=%
set TS=%TS::=%
set FN=%TS%_%1

if exist %FN% (
 echo %FN% exists, skipped
) else (
 echo copy %1 as %FN%
 copy %1 %FN%

exit /b

Execute "PrimitierSaveDataBackup.bat" and you will find the files named like "170520221019_save1.dat".

Program check existence of save1-8.dat and copy them.

Note that header style depends on your PC setting.
Normally in Japan, (Year)(Month)(Date)(Hour)(Minutes)_save*.dat
Maybe in other country, (Date)(Month)(Year)(Hour)(Minutes)_save*.dat

The headder doesn't include (seconds)